Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Salinity Now!

We were a bit skeptical about visiting the Dead Sea. Could it really keep us afloat? Can 31% salinity keep over 100 pounds on the surface without any effort?
It was pretty cold outside and the thought of swimming in a glorified lake didn't sound too inviting. But, we mustered up our strength and went - and we're so glad we did!


  1. I would think that it's not too hard to keep something afloat that's only skin and bones. Just saying JIM. eat something, wouldya?!?

  2. oh and I just realized that you're making a reference to one of my most used quotes "SERENITY NOW!!" I say that a lot these days

  3. Oh that is SO awesome! I miss you guys but glad you are having such an amazing time seeing the world! :)
